There are quite a few free downloads out there on the internet! However, I can't always seem to find what I need when I need it. So, I had a client ask about whale invitations and I must say I am not a big fan of paying for clip art, so I decided to try my own shot at designing a whale in Photoshop Elements 12. It is not perfect by any means as it is the very first clip art by scratch I have designed myself. I posted it on my Etsy shope for fifty cents, but have had no hits yet and I realized that 1.) maybe it's just not as good of quality as many of the others out there and 2.) maybe there are a bunch of other people out there like me who don't like to pay for clip art. haha
I'm not claiming this is a "great" piece of clip art, but I am offering it for free for a period of time for personal AND commercial use! If you are using this commercially, please remember that I still created the design do not sell this as your own clip art, but you may use it in products that you sell. The only thing I ask is that you visit my Etsy shop, favorite my Etsy shop if you are on Etsy and favorite this listing as well as any others you may like. You can also share your love by visiting and liking my Facebook page and/or following me on Twitter @BabbleheadsPics and/or following me on Pinterest!
Please note that the downloadable file is a .png format in a .zip folder with a transparent background and downloaded via Dropbox. It contains the whale and spray only in the colors shown below. You can change the color in Photoshop if you know how or I can send you a different color if you want to purchase it through my Etsy shop.